Long term complications of diabetes happen when one or more organs of the body become damaged as a result of the disease. This does not mean that it is inevitable that you will develop complications, but you do have a higher risk. You can take steps to minimize or prevent diabetes complications such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, eye damage and foot problems.
Dario supports you with understanding the benefits of checking your blood sugar and blood pressure, monitoring your weight, increasing your daily activity, eating healthy, and following the recommendations of your health care team in order to achieve your target goals and prevent disease complications.
Important facts to know about your risks and the main complications of type 2 diabetes
- Heart disease
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), people with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of heart disease and have a greater risk than people who do not have diabetes.
How can you reduce the risk?
- Check your blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight as recommended by your doctor to achieve and maintain your target values
- Do not smoke
- Have a healthy diet
- Exercise regularly
- Take medication regularly as directed by your doctor.
- High blood pressure
Left untreated, high blood pressure (also known as hypertension) increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, vision problems, and kidney disease
How can you reduce the risk?
- Monitor your blood pressure with Dario and at every healthcare visit
- Maintain a healthy weight or lose weight if needed
- Take your prescribed medication as directed
- Ensure a healthy diet that includes whole grains, consume the recommended amount of salt and lower the amount of alcohol you drink
- Avoid tobacco
- Exercise regularly
- Take time to relax
- Stroke
According to the ADA, people with type 2 diabetes are one and a half times more likely to have a stroke than people who do not have diabetes.
How can you reduce the risk?
- Familiarize yourself with the warning signs of a stroke and contact your doctor immediately if you have any of the following signs
- acute numbness on one side of your body
- dizziness
- confusion
- headaches
- difficulty speaking
- vision problems.
- Take your prescribed medicine as directed
- Eat healthfully
- Exercise regularly
- Avoid tobacco
- Kidney disease
Over time, untreated high blood glucose levels damage the blood vessels of the kidneys and affect their ability to filter your blood and remove wastes. This may lead to severe kidney damage and may end up with complete kidney failure
How can you reduce the risk?
- Keep monitoring your blood glucose levels with Dario to maintain your target glucose values
- Regularly monitor your blood pressure with Dario to maintain your blood pressure goals.
- Take your prescribed diabetes and/or blood pressure medication as directed.
- Perform blood and urine tests specific for your kidney function as recommended by your doctor.
- The following symptoms may indicate kidney disease:
- Signs of water retention such as swollen ankles, feet, or hands.
- General tiredness
- Feeling sick or queasy
- Difficulty sleeping
- Difficulty concentrating
- Increased need to pee, especially at night
Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of these signs
- Eye damage
Untreated long-term high blood glucose levels may cause eye problems such as blurred vision, cataracts, pressure, and damage to the retina which can lead to complete blindness.
How can you reduce the risk?
- Keep monitoring your blood glucose levels with Dario to maintain your glucose targets
- Make sure to follow-up with your ophthalmologist and follow-up their recommendations so you can detect early changes in your condition
- Foot problems
Untreated high blood glucose levels can cause foot problems as a result of damage caused to the blood vessels and the nerves. This has a wide range of signs from pain to numbness, problems with blood circulation with significant risks for developing ulcers and difficulty healing which may lead ultimately to amputations.
How can you reduce the risk?
- Check your feet daily for changes in color, blisters, or cracks in the skin
- Have your health care team check your bare feet at each visit
- Protect your feet from injury
- Use lotion on your feet to prevent drying and cracking
- Wear shoes that protect your feet
- Keep monitoring blood glucose with Dario to maintain the sugar values within your goals
- Avoid tobacco
- Ensure a healthy diet
- Exercise regularly
- Take prescribed medication regularly
Important tip
Diabetes is a risk factor for complications; however, you can live a healthy life with the illness and reduce and even prevent complications. Remember, it is easier to prevent than to treat complications. The key to success is in establishing healthy living habits, which include weight loss, smoking cessation, eating a healthy diet, and exercise.
Dario’s plan provides you with guidance on all issues and will help you maintain your blood sugar, blood pressure and weight.
- Diabetes Care, American Diabetes Association, 2020
- https://www.healthline.com/ health/type-2-diabetes/6-complications-diabetes#
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