Finding Treatment Motivation with Chronic Illnesses
Motivation to make significant lifestyle changes is a major factor in your success for managing your chronic condition. Staying motivated is hard!
What influences your motivation?
- How important the goal is to you, and how much you want to achieve the goal
- What benefits you will gain from achieving the goal
- What your personal expectations are and whether they are realistic
Motivation is important, it drives you forward to reach your goals
- Work towards goals
- Solve problems
- Change old habits
- Cope with challenges and opportunities
What will help you get motivated?
- Set yourself one specific, achievable goal
- Think about how to include that goal in your life and then put a timeframe on it
- Break your goal into small, easy tasks and set regular reminders
- Use your family and friends as support – tell them about your goals and encourage them to help keep you motivated
- Focus on the positive things that will happen when you act to achieve your goal
How to Stay Motivated with your Treatment:
- Make your goal part of your routine by using the Dario app or a diary
- Use positive self-talk like ‘I can try’ or ‘yes I can’
- Use techniques that help keep you relaxed and focused
- Reward yourself when you have completed a step or a goal
- Review your progress. Seeing how much you’ve progressed can be a great motivator
- Think about what you want to achieve next week, next month and next year
- Keep the momentum up. It takes up to 3 months to develop a new habit, so keeping the momentum is important.
- Try a support group, it can be as effective as professional help
- Find mentors – a mentor is experienced in the habit you want to change. Finding social or support groups with the same area of interest can help you find a mentor
- Surround yourself with positive people
- Use exercise as one of your daily goals to improve your mental health
If you need more information on keeping motivated or want to review your goals, give your Dario Coach a call, they will be pleased to help.
Medical Disclaimer
The articles provided on this website are for informational purposes only. In addition, it is written for a generic audience and not a specific case; therefore, this information should not be used for diagnostic or medical treatment. This site does not attempt to replace the patient-physician relationship and fully recommends the reader to seek out the best care from his/her physician and/or diabetes educator.
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